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14 July 2018 Ronde 3 - The Hawks: Result Round 1
Nr: Name Nat W/min PowP Legs Time Motor Landing Points Prom
1 Gerben Van Berkum NED 1605 0 50 10.00 2 20 1114 1000.0
2 Greg Lewis 1801 17 48 9.58 0 20 1081 970.4
3 Dennis de Waart NED 1721 0 45 9.59 4 30 1067 957.8
4 Joris Crevecoeur NED 1750 0 42 9.57 3 20 1028 922.8
5 Stephen Wilkie 1868 39 44 10.01 1 20 1017 912.9
6 Wojciech Antoniewicz BEL 825 0 27 9.51 11 30 858 770.2
7 Mark de Groot NED 0 0 19 10.04 5 20 791 710.1
8 Ilya Oechsle- Sokolov GER 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0

14 July 2018 Ronde 3 - The Hawks: Result Round 2
Nr: Name Nat W/min PowP Legs Time Motor Landing Points Prom
1 Gerben Van Berkum NED 1646 0 50 10.00 0 30 1130 1000.0
2 Greg Lewis 1743 0 48 9.59 0 20 1099 972.6
3 Dennis de Waart NED 1661 0 47 9.57 0 30 1097 970.8
4 Stephen Wilkie 1768 6 44 9.56 0 10 1040 920.4
5 Joris Crevecoeur NED 1750 0 42 9.59 0 20 1039 919.5
6 Wojciech Antoniewicz BEL 719 0 26 9.54 0 30 884 782.3
7 Mark de Groot NED 0 0 20 9.53 5 10 788 697.3
8 Ilya Oechsle- Sokolov GER 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0

14 July 2018 Ronde 3 - The Hawks: Result Round 3
Nr: Name Nat W/min PowP Legs Time Motor Landing Points Prom
1 Gerben Van Berkum NED 1653 0 48 10.00 1 30 1107 1000.0
2 Dennis de Waart NED 1593 0 45 10.00 2 30 1074 970.2
3 Joris Crevecoeur NED 1750 0 43 9.59 3 30 1050 948.5
4 Greg Lewis 1841 30 48 10.03 3 10 1048 946.7
5 Stephen Wilkie 1784 11 41 9.57 3 0 987 891.6
6 Wojciech Antoniewicz BEL 852 0 26 9.54 8 30 860 776.9
7 Ilya Oechsle- Sokolov GER 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0
8 Mark de Groot NED 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0

14 July 2018 Ronde 3 - The Hawks: Result Round 4
Nr: Name Nat W/min PowP Legs Time Motor Landing Points Prom
1 Greg Lewis 1749 0 48 10.00 3 30 1101 1000.0
2 Gerben Van Berkum NED 1697 0 47 10.01 0 30 1099 998.2
3 Dennis de Waart NED 1645 0 45 9.58 2 30 1072 973.7
4 Joris Crevecoeur NED 1750 0 42 9.59 2 30 1043 947.3
5 Stephen Wilkie 1920 56 45 9.58 3 0 983 892.8
6 Wojciech Antoniewicz BEL 893 0 24 9.51 10 10 811 736.6
7 Ilya Oechsle- Sokolov GER 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0
8 Mark de Groot NED 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0

14 July 2018 Ronde 3 - The Hawks: Result
Nr Name Nat Points Prom Points Prom Points Prom Points Prom Sum
1 Gerben Van Berkum NED 1114 1000.0 1130 1000.0 1107 1000.0 1099 998.2 3000.0
2 Greg Lewis 1081 970.4 1099 972.6 1048 946.7 1101 1000.0 2943.0
3 Dennis de Waart NED 1067 957.8 1097 970.8 1074 970.2 1072 973.7 2914.7
4 Joris Crevecoeur NED 1028 922.8 1039 919.5 1050 948.5 1043 947.3 2818.6
5 Stephen Wilkie 1017 912.9 1040 920.4 987 891.6 983 892.8 2726.1
6 Wojciech Antoniewicz BEL 858 770.2 884 782.3 860 776.9 811 736.6 2329.4
7 Mark de Groot NED 791 710.1 788 697.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1407.4
8 Ilya Oechsle- Sokolov GER 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0