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Bas Busking
Bas Busking

Sat Apr 23 12:31:44 : Round 2
Motor A turn A to B Km/h B turn B to A Km/h Chrono Legs
7.76 8.73 61 5.48 5.87 91 28.21 2
2.07 9.12 59 4.87 9.06 59 53.33 4
8.65 8.90 60 6.17 8.25 65 86.98 6
2.40 7.24 74 2.97 6.00 90 105.59 8
4.70 3.40 4.92 109 127.97 8
2.30 140.15 8
4.25 7.63 70 4.66 165.85 9
3.50 8.34 64 3.77 5.92 91 188.03 11
2.69 6.64 81 200.00 12
31.16 7.16 56.60 31.32 40.02 200.00 TOTAL
5.19 2.39 8.09 66 4.47 6.67 80 200.00 MEAN

Sat Apr 23 14:07:32 : Round 3
Motor A turn A to B Km/h B turn B to A Km/h Chrono Legs
9.43 7.45 72 5.70 5.47 98 28.53 2
4.05 32.82 2
5.66 7.86 68 3.65 6.85 78 57.22 4
9.75 55 3.47 77.62 5
8.85 7.29 74 3.53 6.75 80 106.56 7
1.79 7.64 70 3.13 125.27 8
8.04 5.97 90 6.06 6.94 77 155.57 10
5.70 7.40 72 5.19 5.61 96 180.77 12
2.28 7.37 73 2.48 198.90 13
37.68 8.12 60.73 33.21 31.62 200.00 TOTAL
7.54 2.71 7.59 71 4.15 6.32 85 200.00 MEAN